Why Estrogen Can Relieves Symptoms of Menopause

Menopause is a natural part of the life cycle of women. The process consists of chemical changes in the body that result in the end of menstrual cycles. The duration and symptoms are different for every woman, but the general age range for menopause begins at approximately forty and can last through the fifties. Symptoms that begin earlier than age forty are referred to as perimenopause. These symptoms vary in scope and severity.

Common Symptoms

The most common symptoms associated with menopause are night sweats, insomnia, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and weight gain due to a slowed metabolism. Thinning hair, dry skin, and chills are common as well. The emotional symptoms, such as mood swings, anxiety, depression, reduced sex drive, and difficulty with memory or concentration, are often attributed to other health conditions. It is important to discuss symptoms with a doctor to rule out any mental health or physical conditions.


Some symptoms can be relieved with changes in diet, exercise, or behavior. Eating healthy and cutting back on junk food, for example, can counter weight gain, thinning hair, and mood swings. Exercise will relieve stress, release endorphins that may increase libido, and increase circulation to the brain to boost concentration. Turning off the television or computer before bed, dimming lights or using candles, listening to soft music, or meditation may help with insomnia and stress levels.

Many of the symptoms are due to a decrease in estrogen levels. The use of hormone therapy is highly effective at reducing or relieving uncomfortable symptoms. Introducing estrogen into the body varies by routes and dosages. Patches and pills are prescribed most often. Topical solutions and vaginal estrogen are also available.


Some symptoms that present themselves in women can be dismissed as trivial or overstated by some practitioners. Centers and clinics dedicated to women’s health issues offer a variety of brochures, classes, and website articles that educate women regarding their bodies at different life stages. This allows them to be better self-advocates and empowers them to be active participants in their overall health-care. Information is disseminated about cancers, bone density, drinking caffeine during pregnancy, and mental illnesses, among other topics.